Showing posts with label Western. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Matta Fair Mar 2013 @ PWTC

It's Sunday and we're up early so that we can reach early and avoid struggling with parking. It's the last day of the Matta Fair (started since Friday) and we're expecting a full crowd as usual.Reached PWTC around 10am and the early bird catches the worm. It was crowded but we did get a good parking bay. Stomach growling since we left without breakfast. Not much choice at Sunway Putra Mall (aka The Mall), so we decided to settle for a quick one at McD.

Our breakfast

Q1 : How come the actual burger never look like the one shown on the menu?
Q2 : It looks like a burger, it taste like a burger. Why call it a muffin? The vanilla flavoured stuff in Kenny Rogers is a muffin, but this...this...salty thing with meat in between...a muffin? What were they thinking?
Q3 : Do you know that The Mall is closing shop? Sales at most shops there. It was the last day for Guardian Pharmacy inside Cold Storage. 30% discount storewide (yes, we bought quite a lot of stuffs from there).


After our meal and a round of coffee refill, we walk accross to PWTC. And the first thing we saw, not the army of flyer, not the swarm of credit card agents... but a young man with the best job in the world. That's him in the pic below....

Paid to sleep... how much better than this can it get..

Went it to register, luckily I applied the Matta Fair credit card during the last round else it would be a long queue. Went in and.....wah.... people mountain people sea... we could hardly move... 3 halls in total and we reach Hall 3 first which houses local vacations.

The crowd at Matta Fair

Off we go hunting for our Lang Tengah package. After hours of hunting and when it come to the moment where I took out my credit card... ouch... a hard lesson.... They said that a fool learn from his own mistake but a wise man learns from others' mistakes. So listen up people (in case you don't already know):

If you are buying air tickets to KB (to go to Redang, Perhentian, Lang Tengah, etc. etc.), buy the earliest flight !!!

The boat leaves the jetty at latest at 10am but we bought one (during promotion) that's scheduled to arrive at noon. So in order to get to the island, we would have to charter a whole transfer boat for RM600. And being only 2 of us... NO way... There's other option of getting new tickets, or taking a bus or.... but to cut the story short we decided to forfeit the air tickets (yes, they are cheap). Moving on, next objective... Hong Kong & Macau... and more disappointment... so finally we went back with just a couple of theme park tickets. I think this is the first time we went home so empty handed.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Is it a Chop? Is it Rice? No, it's both...

It's saturday again (breathe sigh of relief...)... time to jalan-jalan & makan-makan....
Went for my car club TT at Red Cube PJ in the morning... it was a looong one... after that the guys decided to go for lunch together at some place nearby. And that lead us to Kafe Strawberry Fields in PJ new town. The setup is a kinda odd, with the same business separated by a small road. So it's like 2 corners shops but the same cafe.
This is the right side, there's another similiar one on the left.
The cafe serves halal food, quite a decent mix of local and western delights. Being the first time there, the Kunyit Chicken Chop Rice caught my attention.
Kunyit Chicken Chop Rice
The set comes with a bowl of seaweed soup. The verdict...well.... I did like the taste of the kunyit with the chicken. They uses meat from the drumstick and the texture was just right. But overall I did find the meal a bit "dry". Maybe I'm too use with "gravy" with my rice. Luckily there's the seaweed soup and the mango longan drink I ordered. The rest of the gang ordered all sort of stuffs ranging from "sang har" mee to sambal petai rice. An interesting one is the Spaghetti Carbonara Chicken. Why? Because of the enormous amount of carbonara sauce. The bowl is basically flooded with sauce...maybe they should call it spaghetti carbonara BANJIR... get it? Hahaha...
Spaghetti Carbonara Chicken
Jia Yang said it was nice though. Maybe I'll try that if the gang meet there again...
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